Sunday, June 1, 2014

Only a month left until we see you!!!

This was at Kohl's on Friday, I love these
things, Sam was NOT impressed! lol
             Holy Half Way Batman!

I can't believe we're at the half way mark! Well, sort of. We're at the half way mark until we see you in Alaska in July. And I am SO excited! I can't believe you have now been gone more days than we have left to see you. I have to say, at first it was SO hard. And it's still hard, but we definitely have a routine going on and it is definitely going by fast. I am SO grateful for that! 

I know this is an easier way to send you pictures so I'm doing another post for you. Brian left this morning and it was nice have some adult company. The boys love him and I think Sam might have thought he was you because he kept reaching for him all the time, lol.

I gotta tell you Sam has been talking more and more. It's crazy! He says: More, Nigh Nigh (also means bye bye), All done, Hi, Hello, Mama, and No. He also does a lot of "talking" where he knows what he's saying. His new thing is to point at everything and say what sounds like, "what's that". It's like, "whas dat?" lol. It's SO cute! And I can also tell that understands me a lot, I can just tell. 

Jackson has had some tough moments with behavior but he is still a sweet boy. He is getting better at listening to me and most of the time counting to 3 is all I need to do. Sometimes time out is necessary, but then after that he is usually good to go. Both boys have been soooo picky with eating though. I guess that's normal for toddlers but it is frustrating. 

Tomorrow starts Vacation Bible School! I'm so excited for Jackson, even if I have to leave the house at 7:45. It will be fun. It will be a long week, and I know it will fly by, but it will be worth it. I will also go to their church service on Sunday because the kids sing (I think he will be, that might be the older kids, but I will find out). I will be sure to get video footage of that! I am also going to try and find out where he stands for the preschool and I might just get him in the 3 day class if I need to. I don't want him to miss out on both classes. He is going to LOVE preschool. And I am so excited about him being signed up for soccer too. That should be so fun. Who knows maybe he will actually have some little friends to come to his birthday party this year! That will be so great. And, of course, I'm not planning his party until I know when you'll be home so you can be here for it. Even if we have to wait until November. 

Can you believe May is over?!? I just feel like May was a whirlwind of emotions and craziness and messes. lol. 

Anyways, I know you have another long day today and hopefully we can talk for a quick minute. Love and miss you sooo much!

Getting Uncle Brian from the airport!

Uncle Brian is a great play mate!
Silly Sam

Today we made a sweet fort!

All done! Tada!

Snack Time!

34 days down, 31 to go! WOOO WOOO!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 24!

I can't believe it's going on 4 weeks that you've been gone. I can't believe May is almost over. This is good though, I want it to go by fast, I do. But I don't want the boys to grow up so fast at the same time. Can't have it both ways, huh?

Anyways, today was pretty low key. A lot of playing, hanging out, laundry, dishes, puzzles, fishing, sandbox, etc. 

Snack time!
Rocking some cute baby legs today!
Sam was fishing too!

Right now I'm sitting in front of the window with the blinds and window wide open watching the boys play in their sandbox together. It's awesome. It's almost chilly outside though, 68 degrees and getting darker. They're quite happy though, and they both ate their dinner very well AND got to have some chocolate after. 

Bath time is soon approaching but I thought I would take this time to share some pics from today. I hadn't taken many the last couple days. 

We love and miss you so much. Today Jackson told me that one of the fish from his fish game was broken but it's okay because when daddy gets back he will fix it. I told him, it's going to be a while before daddy gets home and he said, it will be soon. It makes me sad when he just doesn't understand how long it's really going to be :(

Oh goodness, I spoke too soon. Sam is covered in sand. His diaper is full of sand. Bath time!

Hopefully we'll get to Skype tonight, Jackson will love that. He needs it. And maybe even Sammy will get to see you too!

Missing you and love you so incredibly much!!!!!!!!!!! 

24 days down, 41 to go!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day... I forget

So just going to make this short and sweet with some pictures because I know it's easier for you to see them here then downloading them in your email.

Sam seems to have the stomach bug :( Really icky diapers. Hopefully it passes soon.

My mom is here visiting and I've gotten some laundry done!

Today isn't as hot, no AC required. I like that. 

I missed your face this morning... but loved your video. Thanks :)

Hope you had a great day!

I figured it out, it's day 20 and it's almost over! 46.5 left! :) 
Waiting for breakfast

Somebody loves watermelon!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 17

Feeling better today


Lunch...sort of

Dinner, shells mac n cheese wasn't good enough 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 16, getting back to the blog

You have been gone over 2 weeks. I have survived without you for 2 weeks. WE have survived without you for 2 weeks. I don't even know how that is possible. And as I suspected, it IS going by quite fast.

I stopped blogging there for a while because I wasn't sure if you were reading it and it's easier to just send emails throughout the day with pics and notes. But I know it's harder for you to catch up on 20 emails at the end of the day.

So I will try and stick to this blog for happenings with the boys and life (except for the personal topics, I will leave that for our phone conversations).

As I type this Jackson is passed out on the couch, he's been asleep for an hour after only being awake for around 4 hours. He has a stomach bug or something and so do I :( Luckily my version of it has allowed me to still catch up on chores and things while he slept.
Poor Guy

And little Sam. From terrible sleeper to most amazing sleeper ever in just two weeks! He napped today for 4 hours! I hope that doesn't mean he has the bug too, although I noticed his diaper was completely dry after his nap. Now that I think about it, that is concerning. And he did drink water today, but not nearly as much as usual. Right now he is in the high chair snacking. It's 4:30pm and getting close to dinner time. Jackson requested spaghetti, again. But I'm not sure that's the best thing for his tummy. I will be having Nutrisystem chicken pot pie and green beans. Trying to keep it bland for myself too. My stomach is actually hurting now. Like twisting, turning, knives kind of hurting :(

Today is a hot one. It's about 78 in the house with no AC and I'm hoping
 we won't need it today. It's in the 80s outside. Not awful, but definitely warmer than it has been.

I got a lot done today because Jackson was laid up feeling yucky. Dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, diapers are soaking. I'm on day 5 of the cloth diaper flats and hand washing challenge! I'm proud that I've stuck with it! I'm excited to see how it affected our water bill. It's nice to know I have that skill if I ever need it. And it's kept me even busier than normal so that's always welcomed. It helps me not sit around thinking about how much I miss you all the time.

And since we're on that topic, I do. I miss you like crazy. I miss you so incredibly much. I miss you so much that I can't even put in to words how much I miss you. I miss everything about you, just like I knew I would. I miss your smart ass comments, your silly jokes, your wonderful laugh, how you are with the boys, your hugs... I could probably write an entire blog post about this, but I won't bore you ;) Just know I'm always thinking about you and I love you so much.

Hope you had a great day!

16 Days down, 49 to go!